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After eating a mint, “Mom, smell my air.” (What’s cute is how he’s catching himself now, when I chuckled, he said, “I mean, my breath.”)
We had been talking about our trip to Michigan, to which Brayden asked, “What is pop?” He’s been out of Michigan for too long. #popissoda
Upon having a drink of soda (pop), “Wow, it has bumps in it!”
While wrestling with Skylar, “Skye, you’re pulling my chest hair!” And when I looked over at him, “Well, I don’t have any chest hair yet, but I will soon.”
After our fun-filled weekend with Dolphin Tale 2 stars and staff (I promise a post is coming this week with interviews as well!), Brayden said, “I wish I was Winter (the dolphin and star of Dolphin Tale),” to which I responded, “But then I couldn’t hug you and kiss you and tuck you in bed like this at night because you wouldn’t be here.” His answer to the situation? “But you could just get me a sea pool and I’d be right here, but I’d be a dolphin.”
*** Warning, awkward moment coming for you men…***
“Mom, where does the breath milk come from?” So, I told him how my body makes breast milk, without actually showing him anything (and I totally didn’t correct breath milk either, I know bad, but cute). “Oh, so you drink lots of milk and then it comes out those little things!” Again, he couldn’t see anything, but did point and after a little more explanation from me. “So what makes the milk in there? There are milk ducks, so milk comes out your duck hole?”

Oh how I heart our little conversations. They’re always such big conversations with such a little person, and they couldn’t make me any happier. Don’t you just love the things kids say?!
Happy Monday, friends!
Jennette says
These made me chuckle! What a refreshing point of view for a Monday. (I need to freshen my air!)
Tabitha Blue says
We all need some extra reasons to smile on a Monday morning!! 🙂
Haley @ Running with Diapers says
So funny and cute. Just the other day, my toddler witnessed my cousin while she was pumping and she couldn’t understand what her Tia was doing. I tried to explain the best I could, but didn’t worry too much since I’ll be nursing her brother in a few weeks after he’s born. I’m sure that will be another convo for a whole new blog post.
Tabitha Blue says
Haha, right?! At some point I think I just gave up and I’m pretty sure he thinks there are still ducks making milk in me. Haha.