Today, I want to let you in on a little secret… there have been so many times where I’ve spent way too much time comparing myself to others. It’s not an easy thing to admit, to say out loud, to type on a blank screen where in a few minutes when I hit publish the entire world can read those words. But the fact that it’s hard to admit doesn’t make it less true. When I’ve had big dreams and see others accomplishing great things: comparison, worry, wondering if I’m enough. When I’ve felt guilty in motherhood and notice other mamas rocking it out: comparison. When I’ve wanted to be better, stronger, faster, richer, slimmer, taller, more cultured, well versed… and the list goes on: comparison.
It can tend to rear it’s ugly head at any moment, stealing focus from anything and everything around. And I’ve realized that spending my time falling into the depths of comparison robs my future of the real me and steals the good that I can contribute to those around me. Comparison keeps us separated and alone, instead of building each other up and walking this life’s roads together.
I’m currently writing more about this, and how I’m overcoming it… as well as sharing about it this weekend with an amazing sisterhood of women (and if you’re in my area, I’m inviting you to come be a part of Awaken conference!), but I just couldn’t not share a little bit with you today.
Even as I type I’m convicted yet again about how I spend my time. Am I using the days, hours and minutes that I have with purpose? Am I using the gifts God has given me? Or have I been caught up in the trap of comparison where eventually we all end up living life accidentally?
Sometimes we all need a reminder… well, okay I say that because it makes me feel better saying “we all” when I really mean “me.” I need a reminder, many times, that it’s okay to be me. In fact, that simple fact is the hardest to accept sometimes… I should be, I’m supposed to be, I need to be me.
Maybe you’d like a reminder right along with me on your computer or device, go right ahead! I’d love to hear if you use it! 🙂
Tawnya says
I LOVED this post, and needed it right now 🙂 It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others, I think we all do it to a certain extent, myself included. I find it especially hard in this online world where things aren’t always as they seem!
You’re going to rock your talk girl, you always have such inspiring words 🙂 xo
Tabitha Blue says
Thank you so much Tawnya!! Your words just encouraged me!! It really is an easy thing to fall into, and I’m grateful to meet others online that are more about building up and encouraging each other… like you!
Sarah Halstead says
I needed this reminder! Thank you so much!
Tabitha Blue says
You’re welcome!!! I did too 😉
Lindsay says
So true! I fall into the comparison trap often. Trying to remember daily that God made me uniquely. That’s a big deal so I should stop wanting/trying to be anything but what He has called me to. I’m fasting from social media for Lent and it’s amazing how much less often I feel comparison creeping in. Thanks for the inspiration!
Tabitha Blue says
I love that you’re fasting social media!! It can be such a blessing at times… and such a trap at times as well. xoxo
Julie S. says
A to the MEN! It is SO HARD not to get trapped into the comparison of others.
Tabitha Blue says
Yes so true! But we can do it together!
Serein says
Thank you for this, sometimes it get’s to me and reading this just gave me a little reminder to be me.
Tabitha Blue says
You’re so welcome. I agree… I need to hear it too 😉
Alyson M says
I love this. The struggle is so real on a daily basis and you’re certainly not the only one. Saved this and it’s already my computer screen background. 🙂 Thanks, friend!
Tabitha Blue says
Love that Alyson!! It really is a daily thing. You’re welcome… and thank you!