How much time have you spent thinking about the things you need to do instead of actually doing the thing? Perhaps you find yourself endlessly scrolling social media and suddenly find hours have gone by, when there’s far more pressing things to get done… We’ve all been there!
The word ‘procrastination’ carries negative connotations, but often it isn’t anything to do with laziness or a lack of motivation. In fact, it can sometimes be a symptom of a deeper issue, like fear of failure, perfectionism,or overwhelm.
In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing research-backed information around procrastination, uncovering what is actually at the root of this habit, sharing with you how to identify your triggers, and exploring how to finally break free from procrastination and get things done – even on days when you don’t feel like it!
I’ll also be sharing with you some mindset shifts and actionable steps on how you take action before you have the motivation. If you want to uncover the secrets to breaking through that procrastination barrier, this is the episode for you.
Table of Contents
In this episode, I discuss:
- How procrastination is your mind’s way of protecting you from discomfort or uncertainty, and the importance of pushing through this because growth happens outside of your comfort zone
- The need to “pop the bubble” when it comes to worry and anxiety; the more we fixate on our worries, ruminating and dwelling on the issue, the bigger and bigger it gets in our mind, and it’s by taking action that we can actually face the issues and “pop the bubble.” Even visually doing this can help!
- The importance of not labelling yourself as a “procrastinator” – reframe your mindset to see it as a habit or a behaviour, rather than a personality trait or part of your identity.
- The difference between taking a conscious break, embracing rest, and taking mindful pauses, and procrastination.
- How usually, underneath procrastination, there is a source of stress that we are “wearing” all day long, so ask yourself, what am I really stressed about? Identifying the stress source hiding underneath your procrastination habit allows you to get to the roof cause of your procrastination, which ultimately helps free you from it.
- That procrastination is your body’s natural survival response, designed to keep us safe when things feel scary. We’ve all heard of fight, flight or freeze before and procrastination is the freeze response manifesting in our day to day life.
- Mel Robbins’ five second rule, which you can use today to help take action and get things done, even if you don’t feel like it! By counting down from 5 and giving yourself, your brain doesn’t have time to kick into gear and talk you out of doing the thing. It helps you take action before feeling motivated and, more often than not, that will lead to being more motivated.
I want to hear all about how you’re breaking free from procrastination! So please reach out to me at @radiantwomanhood and @tabithablue!
And if you have any topics you’d like me to cover here on the Radiant Womanhood podcast, please DM me – I’m all ears!
Finally, if you know of another woman in your life who would benefit from this episode, please share this with her too.
Don’t forget to click to +Follow the podcast wherever you’re listening right now, so you don’t miss any episodes when they drop.
Connect with Tabitha:
- Have any questions for me or want to chat? Connect with me on Instagram at @radiantwomanhood or @tabithablue
- Check out my TikTok at @tabitha.blue
- Download my planning worksheets to help organize your life
- Download my *free* gratitude journal
- Check out my blog, the Fresh Mommy Blog
- Use my discount code FRESHMOMMY15 at Clevr Blends
Related episode:
Episode 1: What To Do When You Feel Stuck In Life – And How To Move Forward with Purpose

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